As of yesterday I was just gonna go apeshit on cereal and get whatever I wanted when I wanted it. Today I decided that this whole thing needs a "system" of some kind, a methodical approach to picking cereal. I decided to start at the north side of the Albertson's cereal aisle, and go south. I will not try EVERY box of cereal because:
A. That would take too goddamn long.
B. Some cereal just sucks. I'm not going to use anything I wouldn't want to eat.
C. Lots of cereals are basically the same thing (store brands, corn flakes vs. frosted flakes, etc.)
Keeping this in mind, I am very open to suggestions! I want to hear what you guys want. It might not be done right away, but I will definitely get to everyones wants/needs!
I also came up with my rating system. And by came up with I mean I stole it from my father. We are going with a 3 point system. 1= never make that shit again, 2= I like it okay but it needs work(with suggestion) and 3= OH YES! that is awesome how it is.
SOOOO.... The first cereal I picked was Crunch Berries. And not just any Crunch Berries, mind you. Because this was the first one I picked out some super fancy sea life shaped stuff. Plus I really wanted to win the Sea World trip.

First, the butter and marshmallows go into a big ass bowl, and into the microwave for a little under 2 minutes. I always use the tiny baby marshmallows cause they are the best. And never store brand.
After you take that thing out of the microwave (careful, the marshmallow lava can burn you!) add your delicious cereal, and stir, stir, stir.
Martha Stewart Ain't got shit on this.
Once everything is thoroughly mixed, dump it into some kind of pan. Tupperware, baking dish, it does not matter. Generally something in the 9x13 range is best. Let it cool for a while, and then cut into squares.

Well my babies, that is it! Stay tuned tomorrow for the official reviews. Please keep the comments and suggestions coming.
Delicious, I know.