Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week 5: Now it's Time for Something Different.

Per my bfffe Stephanie's suggestion, I decided to do something a little different than my standard cereal, mallow and butter treats this time. COOKIES! Because really, only nazis and communists (the two worst people ever) don't like cookies. And you're not a nazi or a communist, are you? ARE YOU?

The cereal this week was something I never thought I would be interested, kind of like some of the men I date. TOTAL. Isn't that an old people cereal? Possibly. But oh man it is new and delicious when it's blueberry and pomegranate. Antioxidants folks.

I also used one of my favorite things ever in these. No, not bearded men with tattoos... GOLDEN RAISINS!

Nicole hates these little bastards, so she got her cookies before the magic (or old fruit) was added. Yes, I do care about the happiness of my reviewers. If I put something someone HATES in the food, they get unhappy and then tell me my treats suck. Then I don't look as awesome as I truly am, and that is no good.

Recipe is as follows:

1 cup of butter (2 sticks) *note: you must use real butter. it is better for you and not full of nasty fake shit
3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla (imitation is okay)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 1/4 cup flour
2 tbsp water
2 cup cereal
some chocolate chips and some raisins are optional. add what you think looks good.

Preheat your oven to 350. Mix the softened butter, sugars, eggs and water. Add the additional ingredients and mix well. I mix by hand (I swear they turn out better) but you can use a mixer. Add the cereal and mix last by hand so it doesn't get crushed up. As far as cookie size goes, it's kind of up to you. I got about 8-10 cookies on one ungreased sheet. Bake those babies for 13ish minutes and you are done!

It's really easy to turn this...

Into this!

Thursday was normal treat day at work. Even though miss Nicole was across town and Alicia was away, I had some other reviewers this time because everyone wants to be a Gilbert lady. Everyone loved the cookies. I believe that Karen gave them a 3. Colleen and Rebecca both liked them very much. They have not yet been informed of the 3 point rating so I will count them as both giving them a 3, haha. Colleen is moving to our office for good, so she will get treats every week I bet she is stoked. 
Later that evening I went out with some sweet ladies, so I thought I would bring them cookies as well. Good reviews all around, it seems that nobody didn't love these cookies. Even Dennis, a man who looks like he eats a lot of good food, liked them. 
Friday Nicole received her special delivery on the westside. Her cookies were different than everyone else's because they didn't have old fruit. Still delicious though, according to her. I would say that these were a success, and I will for sure be adding cereal cookies into the rotation!

Stephanie and Abbie love cookies!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 4: Here you go, FINALLY!

Yes, I am fully aware that I am running very late on this week's blogging activities. Between the camera batteries dying and me getting over a sinus infection I have sort of put it off. No more slacking, I promise.

So even though I have no exciting pictures, I am going to have to say that this week's treats were by far my favorite. I found the super cereal that miss Nicole had brought to my attention a few weeks ago, and HAD to use it. What is this super cereal? SWEET ASS CHOCOLATE CHEERIOS!!! Yeah babe. Cheerios and chocolate together in one little blue box. Magical. I also decided to throw in some peanut butter (creamy, not crunchy) because not much goes better than PB with chocolate.

These were the best treats so far for sure. Everyone agreed. Everyone gave them a 3. Alicia said that even if I stole money from the vault she couldn't fire me because then there would be no Thursday treats. Nicole got them a day late through interoffice mail because she was working at another stupid branch, but her Friday treat day was just as exciting as Thursday's. This one was perfect, not to sweet, not TOO chocolatey like the last cheerios, super marshmallowy. Nothing was wrong with these babies.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

week 3: Review time bitches

OF COURSE, PBC was a hit as predicted. Because oh yes, it is everyone and their mom's favorite cereal. No, really. It's Nicole's mom's favorite. Her dad's too. For real.

Nicole loved these babies. She gave them an A+. Yes, they were so delicious they were off the scale!
Alicia liked them lots as well, but not as much as last week's chocolately cheerios.
Karen was a fan, I believe she said 3!

Lorna loved them so much she either got up early or came home drunk and scooped them out of the pan with a big plastic spoon before I could even take them to work.

AND... I had a new reviewer this week, Connie. Nicole's mom. I know you thought I was joking. I believe she also said heck yeah these babies are a 3!
I loved them as well. Maybe my favorite so far. Mostly cause PBC is in the top 5 best cereals of all time.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Week 3: I know a lot of you have been waiting for this one...

Well, after three weeks I am still sticking with this thing. That's how I roll. And tonight is the night. Why am I cooking in a pirate hat you ask?


Is the captain a pirate captain? Probably not, but whatever. I am. And this crap has been the cereal I have been waiting for, as well as every other person in America that I have talked to. Peanut Butter Crunch (PBC) is the awesomest cereal ever. Problem is, there's too much of it in the darn box.

I had to eat a bowl of it before I got started. Look at that peanut buttery, crunchy goodness. Yeah I know you're jealous. I'm even jealous that I got to eat a bowl cause now there's not any left.

Even the kitchen owl is jealous.

So nothing else has changed. Melt butter and marshmallow lava in the HUGE yellow bowl, mix in the PBC, and squish it into the baking dish. Tonight the mallow was out of control!! Maybe it was due to the first bowl of cereal I ate, but these are the most marshmallowy treats BY FAR. I am pretty stoked. Plus HELLO! It's PBC. Definitely in the top 5 best cereals ever made. Maybe even top 3. 

Friday, February 5, 2010

Week 2 Part 2: Reviews

 I'm tired and I had a not so fun afternoon so reviews this week will not be that exciting. Sorry, I promise I will do better next week. Brought the treats to work yesterday, and had my wonderful lady team (Nicole, Alicia and Karen) Eat them. Sorry sweet ladies, any hopes for low carb dieting have been kicked out the window!

Karen: 3
Alicia: 3
Nicole: 2 (too much chocolate)

I am gonna have to say I kind of agree with both reviews. I did like these ones mostly, but they were sort of inconsistent. Some bites had way too much chocolate, some were perfect. The melted chocolate chips didn't distribute as evenly as I had hoped, but they were still good. I wonder if there is a way to let the rest of the treats cool enough before setting up so that the chips stay solid. Anyone have experience with this?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week 2: This shit is outta control!

I know you darlings have been waiting ALL WEEK to find out what the next cereal will be. Me too. Because I have not yet memorized the cereal aisle, I don't ever know what it will be until I get there. So here goes....


Why am I stoked? You're probably saying "What the hell Jamie, that crap looks to healthy to be delicious!"
Yes, it may reduce the risk of heart disease, but I can live with that. Cheerios are cool, oat clusters are cool. Plus butter (yes, I use real butter) and marshmallows are involved, so that helps cancel out the healthy goodness. Oh and this...


See, I told you it was going to be alright. So you know the drill. Stuff goes in the microwave, mix it all up, and add the chocolate chip magic. It's a bit warm in there, so the chips get all melty delicious. Plus, this week's cereal was a couple less ounces than last week's, so there is a higher mallow to cereal ratio. Yes Nicole, more marshmallows!

No, I did not add the garlic salt to this one. Maybe next week. If it looks like a mess, that's cause it is. A chocolately, marshmallowy fabulous mess. I hope this one cools off okay, or everyone else is going to be a mess as well. But who cares as long as it tastes good!

Damn, look at that. It's almost sexual.